Monday, July 8, 2013

Airline oligopoly advances as American and US Airways announce merger.

    Generally, the dilemma faced by an oligopoly is to compete or cooperate with its competitors because there are only few firms due to high entry barriers. Hence, firms consider their reactions to the rivals systematically. Once they cooperate, a high capacity monopoly exists. Accordingly, the consolidation happened when American Airlines are in bankruptcy. So, United has merged with Continental, Delta with Northwest in a short period. These “alliances” dominate the transportation markets with maximizing output and minimizing cost. Since they merged, they supply a comprehensive network from the main places of a country. This’s owing to the corporate travel market and the increase of monopoly’s capability. In the long-run, Airlines prefer to sign contracts because it insures down revenue and assures high fixed cost business. Undoubtedly, this temptation is earning supernormal-profits.
The main organization for these alliances are Star Alliance, Sky team and One World.    

     Oligopoly firms focus on intangible dimension. Therefore, their strategy emphasizes on customers’ perspective. These Airways already have the ability to operate a joint between New-York and London by offering high quality services.
     Conclusively, US can be expected to exit. Each airline merges are affected by labor practices, fleets, and staffs. Thence, these two networks will operate separately in the future with their own private policy.

                                                                                                     Entry by, Tan Yi Wei


  1. Is there any differences between Oligopoly firms' merge and Cartel?

  2. The objectives of merges are to gain more share within oligopoly firms. There is an example existing in Malaysia which is Hong Leong Bank took over Eon Bank legally.
    Cartel is an illegal group of firms acting together to limit output, raise price and increase profit, due to small number of firms in the market.

  3. Why perfect competition is more efficient compare with Oligopoly market structure?

  4. Perfect Competition market could produce more quantity of product and the market price is charged in a lower price.
    This is due to perfect competition firms could produce their goods and services at decreasing average cost (AC) but not at minimum, and market price will be charged at minimum AC.
    Besides, perfect competition firms also produce optimum output when marginal cost equals to the market price. This leads to full filled people desire.
    Last but not least, the perfect competition does not have any capacity because it fully utilises its resources.
